
3.1 KiB

Contributing to FreeSched

Thank you for your interest in contributing to FreeSched! This document provides guidelines and instructions for contributing to this open-source scheduling tool.

Code of Conduct

Please be respectful and considerate of others when contributing to this project. We aim to foster an inclusive and welcoming community.

How to Contribute

Reporting Bugs

If you find a bug in the application:

  1. Check if the bug has already been reported in the Issues section
  2. If not, create a new issue with a clear title and description
  3. Include steps to reproduce the bug
  4. Add information about your environment (OS, Node.js version, etc.)
  5. If possible, include screenshots or error logs

Suggesting Features

Have an idea for a new feature?

  1. Check if the feature has already been suggested in the Issues section
  2. If not, create a new issue with the tag "enhancement"
  3. Provide a clear description of the feature and how it would benefit the project
  4. If possible, include mockups or examples

Pull Requests

We welcome contributions via pull requests:

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bugfix (git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name)
  3. Make your changes
  4. Test your changes thoroughly
  5. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  6. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/your-feature-name)
  7. Create a new Pull Request

Pull Request Guidelines

  • Keep your changes focused on a single issue or feature
  • Follow the existing code style and formatting
  • Include tests if applicable
  • Update documentation as needed
  • Make sure all tests pass before submitting
  • Provide a clear description of the changes in your PR

Development Setup

Follow these steps to set up the project for development:

  1. Clone the repository

    git clone
    cd freesched
  2. Install dependencies

    npm install
  3. Start the server

    npm start

Project Structure

  • server.js - Express server and API endpoints
  • db/ - SQLite database and initialization
  • views/ - HTML templates for admin and public interfaces
  • public/ - JavaScript, CSS, and static assets
  • timepicker-modal/ - Custom timepicker component

Coding Standards

  • Use consistent indentation (2 spaces)
  • Follow JavaScript best practices
  • Comment your code when necessary
  • Keep functions small and focused
  • Use meaningful variable and function names


Currently, the project does not have automated tests. Manual testing is required before submitting PRs:

  1. Test both admin and user interfaces
  2. Verify that time slots can be created and booked correctly
  3. Test edge cases (invalid inputs, concurrent bookings, etc.)


If you make changes that affect how users interact with the application, please update the accordingly.


By contributing to FreeSched, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the project's ISC license.


If you have any questions about contributing, feel free to open an issue for discussion.

Thank you for helping improve FreeSched!