#!/bin/bash # Using Bolt's environment variables IP="${PT_ip_with_cidr}" HOSTNAME="${PT_hostname}" DHCP="${PT_dhcp}" GATEWAY="${PT_gateway}" NAMESERVER1="${PT_nameserver1}" NAMESERVER2="${PT_nameserver2}" NAMESERVER3="${PT_nameserver3}" # Check if all required parameters are provided if [ -z "$IP" ] || [ -z "$HOSTNAME" ] || [ -z "$DHCP" ] || [ -z "$GATEWAY" ] || [ -z "$NAMESERVER1" ] || [ -z "$NAMESERVER2" ] || [ -z "$NAMESERVER3" ]; then echo "Missing required parameters. All parameters must be provided." exit 1 fi # Create the new netplan configuration sudo tee /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/90-installer-network.cfg << EOL network: version: 2 ethernets: enp1s0: dhcp4: ${DHCP} EOL # If DHCP is false, add static IP configuration if [ "$DHCP" = "false" ]; then sudo tee -a /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/90-installer-network.cfg << EOL addresses: - ${IP} routes: - to: default via: ${GATEWAY} nameservers: addresses: [${NAMESERVER1}, ${NAMESERVER2}, ${NAMESERVER3}] EOL fi # Set the hostname sudo hostnamectl set-hostname "${HOSTNAME}" echo "${HOSTNAME}" | sudo tee /etc/hostname > /dev/null # Update /etc/hosts sudo sed -i "s/*/\t${HOSTNAME}/" /etc/hosts echo "System configuration completed successfully" # Apply network configuration in the background and exit before it takes effect # nohup bash -c "(sleep 2 && sudo netplan apply) &" > /dev/null 2>&1 # exit 0 nohup bash -c "(sleep 2 && sudo reboot) &" > /dev/null 2>&1 exit 0